Front Gate

The school is located inside U.E. Subdivision.

Hwa Chong Temple

The school is located inside the Hwa Chong Temple, which is inside U.E. Subdivision.

Garden & Fishpond

The people need to pass through this area to proceed into the school.

Parking Lot

There are a lot of parking space for everyone.

Open Grounds

The school's front has a wide open-area quadrangle.

Basketball Court

The school has a one standard size basketball court in its gym.

Badminton & Volleyball Court

The school has two standard size badminton court and a standard size volleyball court.

Multi-purpose Stage

Inside the school's gym, there's a multi-purpose stage.

T.L.E. Room

The school has a room that helps students learn how to cook and other household management.


The school have laboratory equipment to execute Science experiments.


The school has a library where students can borrow books.

Medical & Dental Clinic

The school have a medical doctor and a dentist to checkup on students and ensure that they are on top of their health.


The school has an art room to handle art and crafts works.


Singing Lupang Hinirang and then San Bao Ge (三宝歌) before an event starts.
The Lyrics of Lupang Hinirang and the Panatang Makabayan
Prayers before and after starting the class session
The history of Hwa Chong Temple and Philippine Buddhist Seng Guan Memorial Institute